Friday, July 31, 2009

I like warm water.

I need a haircut. Honestly, like crazy bad I need a haircut. I thought I'd try to grow It out from it's usual shortness, but It is now driving me nuts. Yes, I did mean to capitalize It. It has taken on a personality all it's own. It scratches my neck and gets in my nose. It can't decide whether it wants to be curly or straight. I'm beginning to not like It at all. I've begun wearing It back in a nubby little pony tail with all of it's fly aways going everywhere. It gives me a headache.

Last night I thought I would be the romantic and dutiful wife and allow Jon to pick the movie. I always choose and it always ends up being one of my favorites which we've seen a gazillion times or something we don't watch much but puts poor Jon right to sleep. And, of course, Jon never chooses something that I would choose. He chose Clash of the Titans.

I had to try very hard to watch it, but mostly I took that time to take over the world. Really. I am totally addicted to Civilization on DS. I also always play it on the easiest option because I hate to lose. I think *I'd love a challenge tonight* and I try the harder level but the second that one of my cities is taken I'm like *forget this* and I start over on the easier one.

For me, what's the point in playing if I'm not going to have fun winning - RIGHT.

The movie was over... FINALLY. But thanks to the raging headache I had from It's pony tail and the rush I get from being able to claim world domination I could NOT fall asleep. Then, after about 4,000mg of Advil, and no mom not really, it was only 800, and a snack, which I'm trying to get off of. Nighttime is the right time. I get so hungry the second the sun goes down. I'm like a gremlin.

Well, I finally fell asleep about 3 hours past my bedtime to the sound of Jon's snoring, the fan, and Mozart (I'm not really that big of a dork but I was desperate.) to be woken up by Lori. She had snook (I know it's snuck, we call it snook) into my room just to tell me that she loves me. I tried to be nice *I love you, too, Lori* and then growled *go back to bed*. An hour later comes Grace. She's scared that the zombies are in her room. Before anything is said - I know that zombies are not real, I know that my kids shouldn't know anything about zombies, especially Grace, but I will say that her zombie impression is sooo freakin' hilarious.

I was beat and at that moment I couldn't care less where she slept, only whether I was sleeping. - And if anyone else had a plan to wake me up I was going to sleep on the porch. I let her crawl in with me and the man who was in a coma. This is a total law breaking move, but I was tuckered. She was only too happy to oblige.

Jon had to be at work at 6 this morning, so he missed Noah's flood of '09. I woke up to a freakin' lake in my bed. At first I thought someone had turned the hose on to wake me up, then I realized that it was warm and I thought *how nice they didn't shoot me with cold water*. NOT!!

Sheets are again in the wash. It is in a pony tail again and the Advil is calling. And I've realized that there is a common theme in my house and it usually has something to do with pee and... it can either be chocolate or... nope it's chocolate.

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